Rummy is a game that has risen from the ashes. Earlier, what used to be a game played inside the families during festive occasions and family gatherings has now baptised into the digital world. The online version of the rummy was one of the best things that the millennials have witnessed during the growth of Indian gaming industry. Earlier the Indian gaming industry was stuck behind and had nothing exciting to claim. The plunge in the availability of PC, smartphones and cheaper internet connections has helped the industry to climb the heights. Online Rummy was one of the earliest games that had found the light to new beginnings. Online rummy games can now be played with multiple players logged in from multiple locations. This has made the game more accessible compared to the limitation of its predecessor. With the recent disruption in the rummy gaming industry in Telangana, the future of rummy is questioned. However, history and evolution of rummy confirm that the game is here to stay. The game has been passed down to us from generations and has been embedded in the core of our culture. All we have to look forward is the further developments that the game can achieve in coming generations.
It is no doubt that the future of internet lies solely in the hands of mobile devices that make up the post PC era. Mobile rummy games are developing at a faster pace, and almost all major players in the market are offering mobile compatible games. Junglee Rummy has developed a highly reliable mobile rummy gaming platform so that players can log in and play rummy on the go. The future possibility of the mobile gaming industry is promising as performance smartphones are becoming friendlier to the pocket.
Internet penetration in India is skyrocketing, and this is good news. As the internet access increases, more players can access online the game and play online rummy for money. Service providers like Jio have also disrupted the market by offering free smartphones and cheaper internet connectivity. The rate of internet penetration is expected to the higher in the coming years. Eager to Join and Play Rummy? Click to Register with Junglee Rummy and Get Free Instant welcome bonus of ₹11350
The global development in the gaming technology is promising. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are becoming more common. There are global gaming companies that are striving to implement these technologies to their existing games. Soon, we may find games like rummy elevated to the VR platforms. We are watching all the developments in the industry closely to offer our players with the best-in-class experience. The game is here to stay! It will continue to be the most loved card games in India. After all, the Indian centric games have never failed to hit the trends. So, Keep Playing & Be Responsible!