We all have a Junglee in us, and with the coming up of Bollywood blockbuster “Judgementall Hai Kya” that Junglee is going to be unleashed. Junglee Rummy is elated to be the official gaming partner of Rajkummar Rao and Kangana Ranaut starrer "Judgementall Hai Kya."
The movie is a black comedy, a mind-boggling murder mystery. It marks Ranaut and Rao's onscreen reunion after "Queen," which was released in 2014. The trailer of the movie has been a big hit and received big thumbs up from people. The film also features Brijendra Kala, Jimmy Shergill and Amyra Dastur, among others.
You can see from the trailer that the movie deals with mental health and hallucinations. Kangana and Rajkummar's characters are pitted against each other in a pulse-pounding cat-and-mouse game as they attempt to clear their names of a crime.
"Judgementall Hai Kya" is produced by Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor and Shailesh R. Singh under the banner of Balaji Motion Pictures. The screenplay of this mad ride was written by Kanika Dhillon and is directed by Prakash Kovelamudi.
In the movie, Rajkummar Rao and Kangana Ranaut will be seen in quirky roles. Rajkummar Rao plays the character of a young man named Keshav who is involved in a murder, while Kangana Ranaut portrays the character of Bobby, who is going through mental illness but she is not ready to sit quietly in a corner and crib about it. She owns up all her flaws and takes us for a joyride.
Apart from the dynamic star cast, "Judgementall Hai Kya" has got headbanging song tracks. As Bollywood is digging remixes these days, the remixed version of Wakhra Swag is another gem in the movie's kitty. It’s a peppy number set up in a night club. Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao have turned up the heat with their unmissable swag and performance.
"Judgementall Hai Kya" is going to be a thrilling ride and is slated to hit the big screens on 26th July. Don’t forget to watch this exciting movie, and keep playing Junglee Rummy for the most exhilarating online rummy experience ever. Join the tables and start playing now!