Pool rummy is an engaging variant of Indian rummy, which is known to be a combination of points and deals rummy. In pool rummy, players join the game by paying a fixed entry fee, which ultimately becomes the prize pool. The player who knows how to play rummy and achieves the basic objective of the game, whilst maintaining the lowest score, wins the game. It is played in two different formats: 101 pool and 201 pool. Players are often uncertain about choosing between the two formats and end up switching to a different variant altogether. To help you choose the perfect format, here are some basic points of differences between 101 pool and 201 pool:
Unlike points and deals rummy, there are no fixed number of deals in a pool rummy game. The number of rounds played in 201 pool is more as compared to 101 pool. If you lose a previous deal, you can make up for it in the subsequent rounds and reduce your overall score.
It is known that pool rummy is the most exhausting variant of Indian rummy. This is because the number of deals are not predefined for this variant and hence, the time duration is not fixed. Since players get eliminated after reaching 101 (in 101 pool) and 201 points (201 pool), it is evident that pool rummy games go on for a really long time. So make sure to clear your schedule before joining a pool rummy table.
In pool rummy, players can choose to drop out of the game. The drop option can be exercised when you want to quit the game to avoid incurring a major loss. However, the penalty points gained after a drop in pool rummy differ slightly in both the formats. Here are the penalty points gained by the player after using the drop option in pool rummy:
Format | First Drop | Middle Drop |
101 Pool | 20 | 40 |
201 Pool | 25 | 50 |
The maximum points for both the cases is 80.
Out of all the three Indian rummy variants, pool rummy is the only one that allows players to rejoin a game. For example, if you are eliminated after reaching the highest score at a 101 or 201 pool table, you can rejoin the game by paying the buy-in amount. However, you must have sufficient balance in your account to rejoin the game.
The rule for rejoining for both the formats varies slightly. You can rejoin a game after getting eliminated only when the highest score of the players who are not eliminated is:
In 101 pool: Less than or equal to 79 points
In 201 pool: Less than or equal to 174 points
The answer to this question is subjective and varies from player to player. Your experience and skills in rummy play a significant role in determining the right variant. If you are new to the game, you can consider practising at 201 pool tables first. This format offers ample opportunities to redeem a lost deal and improve your overall score. However, if you are someone who likes to play a game only for a few rounds, 101 pool seems fit for you.
We hope this blog post helps you pick the right variant and play rummy game responsibly. If not, you can always play practice games on our platform and identify the right variant for you. Once you find the right variant and you feel confident about your gaming skills, you can start playing cash games and try your hands at tournaments too. Junglee Rummy has a wide variety of tournaments and we are back with the most awaited one of the year: the Rummy Premier League. Download the app now and show your magical skills at our vibrant tables!