RNG Certified
Cards are dealt randomly
Junglee Rummy is India’s Most Trusted Rummy Site®, and is known for providing the best and safest online rummy experience. We are constantly upgrading our security features to ensure the most reliable gaming experience that technology can offer.
RNG Certified
Cards are dealt randomly
No-bot Certified
Real & verified players
Responsible Gaming
Member of EGF (E-Gaming Federation)
Collusion Prevention
Player masking & real-time detection
Seat Shuffling
Seat changes on every deal
Account Scrutiny
Players are flagged & restricted
Location Proximity
Players can’t play on the same table
C2S Encryption
Technology to protect player data
(No-bot Certificate)
(RNG Certificate)
Junglee Rummy is a member of the EGF (E-Gaming Federation), a not-for-profit organization established under the Societies Regulation Act to ensure a safe, fair, and transparent online gaming environment where all players can enjoy gaming responsibly.
We have robust systems that detect unfair/fraudulent play patterns and players committing such act(s).
What’s in it for you?
We have taken all these steps to ensure that you can play your best game without worrying about fraudulent activities and ensuring a fair game play.
Every game starts with a new random seat for all players to prevent the same players from getting seated next to each other in consecutive games or rounds in tournaments.
What’s in it for you?
If there are fake/colluding players at the table, they cannot wrongfully take advantage of passing cards to each other.
We have checks in place to ensure all players on the platform are real and not a bot.
What’s in it for you?
This will ensure that every player on any table is authentic and creates a fair gaming experience.
It is mandatory for all players to share their geolocation data before joining a game.
What’s in it for you?
This will ensure that the players who know each other cannot play together on the same table and you can enjoy a safe gaming experience.
Our system uses the highest level of ultra-modern C2S encryption technology.
What’s in it for you?
All your personal data and account information is completely safe from outsiders and not shared with any third party.
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